Valid photo ID
A copy of your passport or driver’s license. The photo must be clearly visible, and your ID must be valid. This can be attached to the booking form or sent to my email, after completing my booking form.
I require screening to allow me to relax and feel comfortable. I also have a security specialist who I check in and out of dates with for my own safety and wellbeing.
Your information is guaranteed to be confidential and safe. Your details are for my eyes and ears only, which will never be shared with anyone. I highly respect your privacy just as I treasure mine as well.
I require a 20% deposit for dates to be considered confirmed. For travel arrangements (fly-me-to-you), a 50% deposit plus transportation costs are expected. Deposits can be made via bank transfer, gift cards or cryptocurrency.
Regrettably, deposits are non-refundable, but they can be put towards a rescheduled date if you cancel 72 hours in advance.